Biscuits and Cookies

Baking has become one common trend among people of all ages and above all it is not limited to any gender. Kids love to do baking because of the incredible awareness and some awesome recipes that we have shared with you on Masala TV channel and our website. Our cooking experts do their best to teach you the best baking recipes in town. Biscuit or Cookie is a baked goody that is eaten as snack usually at tea time but can be eating any time of the day. It is basically a flour-based product that is mixed with some ingredients to be baked in the oven. Biscuits are usually round in shape and are baked until they are brown and crisp. There can be countless variety of biscuits depending upon the way you want it to be. The key is to follow some good cookie recipe and then do some innovation to create some new style of biscuits or cookies. Cookies can be made both sweet and savory but sweet ones are more common as people love to bit something sweet while munching on a snack. We have shared some awesome cookie recipes that can be easily in oven or in your regular cooking pots.