Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe | Masala Mornings| Shireen Anwar | Fast Food

Check out the Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe in Urdu. Learn how to make best Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe , cooking at its finest by chef Shireen Anwar at Masala TV show Masala Mornings. Check all the Pakistan Cooking recipes in Urdu of Masala TV. Also Check Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe , ingredients and complete Method.
Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches are a mood-changer. This very incredible recipe will make you fall in love with Hunter Beef even more.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches , Sesame Chicken Pakoray And Dahi Phulki Recipes. This show of Masala Mornings with Shireen Anwar aired on 22 March 2021..
- Hunter beef (shredded) 1 ½ cup
- mixed vegetables (boiled) 1 cup
- Carrot 2 tbsp
- Peas 2 tbsp
- Potatoes 2 tbsp
- Beans 2 tbsp
- Coriander leaves (chopped) 2 tbsp
- Green chilies (finely chopped) 2
- Bread slices 12 cut into rounds discs with cookie cutter
- Eggs beaten with salt & pepper 2 ¼ tsp each
- Oil for shallow frying
Ingredients for White Sauce:
- Butter 2 tbsp
- Flour 2 tbsp
- Milk 1 cup
- Salt ½ tsp
- Black pepper ½ tsp
- Mustard ½ tsp
- Cream cheese 2 tbsp
- Crushed red pepper ½ tsp
Make white sauce by putting all the ingredients together in a sauce pan and stirring till thick, add in the shredded hunter beef, boiled veggies, coriander leaves and green chilies, mix, spread the mixture on the bread slices, cover with the plane disc, dip each sandwich into the egg and shallow fry, serve.
- Chicken (boiled and shredded) 1 whole 1 kg
- Onion (chopped) 1 cup
- Curry powder 1 tsp
- Salt 1 tsp
- Black pepper 1 tsp
- Green chilies 4
- Mint leaves 10
- Bread crumbs 1 ½ cup
- Sesame seeds 1 tbsp
- Tomato ketchup for serving
Ingredients for Batter:
- Flour 2 tbsp
- Corn flour 1 tbsp
- Gram flour 2 tbsp
- Egg 1
- Salt ½ tsp
- Pepper ½ tsp
- Crushed red pepper ½ tsp
- Baking powder 1 tsp
- Milk to make batter
- Oil for deep frying
Mix all the batter ingredients to a smooth consistency, chopperize the boiled shredded chicken with onion, curry powder, salt, black pepper, green chilies, and mint leaves, make small balls, dip the balls into the batter, roll in bread crumbs and sesame seeds, deep fry until golden brown, serve with ketchup.
Ingredients for Phulkies:
- White lentil (soaked for 6 hours) 250 gm
- Baking powder ¾ tsp
- Salt ½ tsp
- Red chili powder ½ tsp
- Yogurt (whipped) 750 gm
- Caster sugar 4 tbsp
- Cumin seeds (roasted & crushed) 1 tsp
- Oil for deep frying
- Chat masala for topping
- Tamarind chutney ¼ cup for topping
Soak the white lentil for 6 hours, blend the white lentil with ½ cup water, salt, chili powder, baking powder to make it into a smooth fine paste, remove the mixture in a bowl, add 1 tsp cumin seeds and mix well with a wooden spoon. Heat oil for deep frying, put 1 tsp of the batter into the hot oil and fry over a medium heat till golden brown, finish all the batter in this way and keep aside. Fill a bowl with water, add to it 1 tbsp salt, crushed cumin and crushed red pepper, put the cold fried phulkies in this water, leave it for 1 hour, beat the yogurt with sugar, salt and ¼ cup water, remove the phulkies from the water pressing them to squeeze out water, set them in a dish, pour the yogurt over them, drizzle with tamarind chuney and sprinkle chat masala.
Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe in Urdu and English
At Masala TV you can check complete Fried Hunter Beef Sandwiches Recipe in Urdu and English. This is one of the best recipes by chef Shireen Anwar at Masala TV show Masala Mornings. Check out the other best recipes of chefs Shireen Anwar.