A Guide to Healthier Hair

Can taking care of your hair make every day a good hair day?
Hair is an essential part of how you look and present yourself. Your look can never be complete without your hair looking just the way you want them to.
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to hair. Some people like their hair straight while others like to have a few waves or curls. There are further subcategories like dead-straight hair or natural-straight look, beach waves or tight curls, a blow-out look, or loose curls.
One common thing is that everyone wants pretty looking, healthy hair and there is no easy way to have perfect hairs health until you take care of them. Like every other living thing, your hair requires nourishment and care. No one can have gorgeous looking hair without some effort.
Here are a few ways which will help you achieve healthier looking hair:
Get haircuts regularly
Often, when we are trying to grow out our hair, we skip salon visits so that our hair grows out faster. However, this just harms the hair; the ends of the hair start splitting which causes and overall thinning of your hair. As more time passes by without a haircut, the ends start to get dry and fail to give your hair a healthy look. Experts usually recommend a haircut every 6 to 8 weeks.
Go natural more often
We all love dyed and styled hair. An added color in our hair locks and some styling gives it a whole new look and we love flaunting it but natural is the new way to go. Avoid getting chemical treatments in your hair if it’s not necessarily needed. Do not style your hair if your hair is even slightly manageable or try making your hair more manageable by tying them into a ponytail or a bun.
Pay attention to your scalp
An itchy scalp means that it’s getting dry. Dandruff getting piled up on your scalp is not a good signal either. If your scalp is dry and itchy, apply hair oils to moisturize it. If the dandruff is piling up, get yourself a shampoo or a treatment to control it.
Maintain a healthy diet
This is the most important part of having beautiful hair. The nourishment you give your body shows in your hair as well. Your hair requires protein to look healthy so when you consume foods like pulses, red meat, poultry, or fish, it helps your hair grow better.
Don’t take hair showers
You’ll be surprised to know how much hot showers can damage your hair. Showering with lukewarm water will help you cleanse your scalp and the pores properly. However, hot water will cause damage, and some major hair fall. So while you can wash your hair with lukewarm water, make sure to rinse it off with cold water to seal the hair follicles.
Avoid touching your hair
Touching your hair constantly only makes the hair oilier and loosens the shafts of your hair. Also, tying your hair up in a tight ponytail creates a pull on your hair that creates breakage so avoid touching your hair or tying them up too tight and leave them alone.